# ngHyd - Angular application for Hydraulics using JaLHyd library
See also [developers documentation]( (in french)
Requirements for developping Cassiopee can be achieved by manually install the required dependencies on your computer or by using the dedicated docker container.
#### Required dependencies
* [jalhyd](
* pandoc ^2 (optional, for PDF documentation only)
* texlive, texlive-bibtex-extra, texlive-latex-extra, latexmk (optional, for PDF documentation only)
Building the HTML documentation requires MkDocs and some extensions:
sudo apt install python3-pip python3-setuptools
python3 -m pip install mkdocs python-markdown-math mkdocs-material
Building the PDF documentation requires pandoc and a LaTeX distribution (for ex. texlive) with a few packages:
sudo apt install pandoc texlive latexmk texlive-latex-extra texlive-bibtex-extra
#### Using docker container
Download and use the following docker image:
More details on how to use it on vscode are available at
Clone JalHyd into to ngHyd, for ex. respectively in `/home/foo/nghyd` and `/home/foo/nghyd/jalhyd`.
npm ci --force --unsafe-perm
This installs the exact same version of dependencies as the ones specified in `package.lock.json`.
The parameter `--unsafe-perm` solves permissions issues for running e2e tests in a docker container.
### Compile and get a deployable Web app
npm run build
### Compile and get a deployable Web app (without PDF doc)
Use this if you don't want to install LaTeX dependencies.
npm run build-no-pdf
### Quickly run end-to-end unit tests while watch mode is running
### Quickly try electron wrapping when code is already compiled
### Build a desktop release for Linux (from Linux platform)
Find the .deb package in `/release`.
Running `dpkg -i cassiopee_*.deb` will install Cassiopée in `/opt/Cassiopee`
### Build a desktop release for Windows (from Linux platform)
#### install dependencies
* wine >= 2.0 - see
#### build .exe installer
Find the generated installer in `/release`.
Running the generated installer will install Cassiopée in `C:\Users\YourUser\AppData\local\Programs\cassiopee`
### Build a desktop release for Windows (from Windows platform)
#### install dependencies
* python for windows
* mkdocs: `pip install mkdocs`
* mkdocs-material: `pip install mkdocs-material`
* python-markdown-math: `pip install`
Find the generated installer in `/release`.
Running the generated installer will install Cassiopée in `C:\Users\YourUser\AppData\local\Programs\cassiopee`
### Build a desktop release for MacOS (from Linux platform)
#### build package
Find the generated package in `/release`.
Note: the generated package will not be signed.
The tsviz package can be used for drawing class diagram of the current code.
To install tsviz:
npm install -g tsviz
There's currently a bug on debian like distribution due to a wrong declaration of graphviz path in the code:
As a workaround, you can create a link to the right path: `sudo ln -s /usr/bin/dot /usr/local/bin/dot`
Custom Material SVG Icons will only show up when the application is deployed on the domain root (no subfolders), see [this feature request](
### chromedriver version in e2e tests
The chromedriver version used in e2e tests is determined by the Docker image dedicated to these tests. For further information, see Dockerfile of cassiopee2-integration project.
**It's discouraged to execute release steps manually, skip this section and see Release Script below**
Before releasing a new stable version, a new version of JaLHyd should be tagged, see "Release Policy" in [JaLHyd's](
Then, one should complete the following files:
- `package.json` (update "version", or use `npm version`)
- `jalhyd_branch` (be sure that it contains "master" or is empty)
Every stable version should be tagged with both
- the `stable` tag
- a version tag of the form `X.Y.Z` (semver)
The `stable` tag should be set **before** the version tag, so that `git describe` returns `X.Y.Z` (latest tag). There should be **at least 1s** between the two tag commands, so that date sorting is not confused.
### Release script
**Important:** the release script assumes that you run it from the current nghyd source directory `nghyd`, and that JaLHyd source directory `jalhyd` is present under the `nghyd` directory.
Before running the script:
* update `` in both JaLHyd and NgHyd
* set the content of `jalhyd_branch` to "master"
This script:
* checks out "master" branch of JaLHyd, pulls the latest changes, installs dependencies, runs unit tests, commits changes if any
* updates JaLHyd version in `package.json`, commits changes
* creates the right tags for JaLHyd and pushes them
* checks out "master" branch of NgHyd, pulls the latest changes, installs dependencies, commits changes if any
* updates NgHyd version in `package.json`, commits changes
* creates the right tags for NgHyd and pushes them
It **does not** check that `jalhyd_branch` is OK nor that `jalhyd/` and `nghyd/` are up to date, but reminds you to do it.
Once tags are pushed, Gitlab CI/CD takes care of building and deploying the new packages.
Example for a **4.10.4** version :
./scripts/ 4.10.4