Sep 2, 2019–Sep 23, 2019
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- On nG6, trying a project space migration results in a wf that stays "started"
- Workflow addproject introuvable
- Warning on hidden column while create a run, analyse or projet
- The DownloadSymlink workflow bugs when an analysis is an ONT Demultiplex
- The "send mail" footer covers 10 columns instead of 11.
- purge email configuration
- Project view : hidden run and analyses are counted
- Metacharacter "&" in password creates a bug
- The static retention period given in the purge mail has to be computed
- Discard some email adress from purge email.
- Purge email should be send to all the users of the project.
- add link and name to runs and analyses and projects in the purge email
- FAQ style is ugly
- Style error
- Add a space id column in Administration > Mail obsolete project
- Actions on ng6 users
- [ont-qc] Add .pdf file into ng6 analysis for nanopore runs
- Add a new group superadmin
- changes to NG6's database structure should appear in a .sql file
- add the retention policy to project view
- add the run/analysis status in the summary table
- Purge : Set Email From, in ng6 conf pi6 comme pour pi1