**metagWGS** is a Nextflow bioinformatics analysis pipeline used for Metagenomic Shotgun Sequencing data (Illumina HiSeq3000, paired, 2*150bp).
The workflow processes raw data from FastQ inputs and do following steps:
* controls the quality of data (FastQC and MultiQC)
* trims adapters sequences and deletes low quality reads (Cutadapt, Sickle)
* suppresses contaminants (BWA mem, samtools, bedtools)
* makes a taxonomic classification of reads (kaiju MEM and kronaTools)
* assembles cleaned reads (metaSPAdes or megahit)
* annotates contigs (prokka)
* renames contigs and genes (home-made python script)
* clusterizes at sample and global level (cd-hit and home-made python script)
* quantifies reads on genes (BWA index, BWA-MEM and featureCounts)
* makes a quantification table (home-made python script)
* makes a taxonomic affiliation of contigs (DIAMOND and home-made python script)
The pipeline is built using [Nextflow,]( a bioinformatics workflow tool to run tasks across multiple compute infrastructures in a very portable manner.
It can be run with a [Singularity]( container making installation trivial and results highly reproducible.
metagWGS requires all the following tools. They must be installed and copied or moved to a directory in your $PATH:
* [Nextflow]( v19.01.0
* [Cutadapt]( v1.15
* [Sickle]( v1.33
* [FastQC]( v0.11.7
* [MultiQC]( v1.5
* [Python]( v3.6.3
* [Kaiju]( v1.7.0
* [SPAdes]( v3.11.1
* [Megahit]( v1.1.3
* [Prokka]( v1.13.4 - WARNING : always have the new release
* [Cd-hit]( v4.6.8
* [Bedtools]( v2.27.1
* [Subread]( v1.6.0
Joanna Fourquet
* Python3 BCBio (+ BCBio.GFF), Bio (+ Bio.Seq, Bio.SeqRecord, Bio.SeqFeature) and pprint libraries
* [DIAMOND]( v0.9.22
## Install NextFlow
Nextflow runs on most POSIX systems (Linux, Mac OSX etc). It can be installed by running the following commands:
# Make sure that Java v8+ is installed:
java -version
# Install Nextflow
curl -fsSL | bash
# Add Nextflow binary to your PATH:
mv nextflow ~/bin/
# OR system-wide installation:
# sudo mv nextflow /usr/local/bin
## Install workflow
* **Retrieve workflow sources**
git clone
A configuration file has been developped ([nextflow.config]( to run the pipeline on a local machine or on a SLURM cluster.
To use these configurations run the pipeline with following parameters:
* `-profile local,modules` runs metagWGS on a local machine without Singularity container (with modules).
* `-profile slurm,modules` runs metagWGS on a SLURM cluster without Singularity container (with modules).
* **Configure profiles with a Singularity container**
A [Singularity]( container is available for this pipeline.
All informations about how we built it is in [this Wiki page](
To use the configuration profiles with Singularity container run the pipeline with following parameters:
* `-profile local,singularity` runs metagWGS on a local machine with our Singularity container (in addition to -with-singularity singularity/metagWGS_with_dependancies.img parameter).
* `-profile slurm,singularity` runs metagWGS on a SLURM cluster with our Singularity container (in addition to -with-singularity singularity/metagWGS_with_dependancies.img parameter).
./nextflow run -profile [local,modules or slurm,modules or local,singularity or slurm,singularity] --reads '*_{R1,R2}.fastq.gz' --assembly [metaspades or megahit] [-with-singularity singularity/metagWGS_with_dependancies.img]
'*_{R1,R2}.fastq.gz' run the pipeline with all the R1.fastq.gz and R2.fastq.gz files available in your working directory.
WARNING: the user has choice between metaspades or megahit for assembly step.
The choice can be based on CPUs and memory availability: metaspades needs more CPUs and memory than megahit but our tests showed that assembly metrics are better than megahit.
The typical command for running the pipeline is as follows:
nextflow run -profile standard --reads '*_{R1,R2}.fastq.gz' --assembly metaspades
Mandatory arguments:
--reads Path to input data (must be surrounded with quotes).
--assembly Tool used for assembly: 'metaspades' or 'megahit'.
-profile Configuration profile to use.
Available: standard_modules (local with module load), cluster_slurm_modules (run pipeline on slurm cluster with module load),
standard_singularity (local with Singularity container) and cluster_slurm_singularity (run pipeline on slurm cluster with Singularity container)
--mode: Paired-end ('pe') or single-end ('se') reads. Default: 'pe'.
Trimming options:
--adapter1 Sequence of adapter 1. Default: Illumina TruSeq adapter.
--adapter2 Sequence of adapter 2. Default: Illumina TruSeq adapter.
Quality option:
--qualityType Sickle supports three types of quality values: Illumina, Solexa, and Sanger. Default: 'sanger'.
Alignment options:
Taxonomic classification options:
--kaiju_nodes File nodes.dmp built with kaiju-makedb.
--kaiju_db File kaiju_db_refseq.fmi built with kaiju-makedb.
--kaiju_names File names.dmp built with kaiju-makedb.
--diamond_bank NR Diamond bank
--accession2taxid FTP adress of file prot.accession2taxid.gz
--taxdump FTP adress of file taxdump.tar.gz
Clustering option:
--percentage_identity Sequence identity threshold. Default: 0.95.
Other options:
--outdir The output directory where the results will be saved.
--help Show this message and exit.
Softwares versions:
Cutadapt v1.15
Sickle v1.33
FastQC v0.11.7
MultiQC v1.5
BWA 0.7.17
Python v3.6.3
Kaiju v1.7.0
SPAdes v3.11.1
megahit v1.1.3
cdhit v4.6.8
samtools v1.9
bedtools v2.27.1
subread v1.6.0
diamond v0.9.22
--skip_sickle Skip sickle process.
--skip_kaiju_index Skip built of kaiju database (index_db_kaiju process).
The pipeline will create the following files in your working directory:
* work # Directory containing the nextflow working files
* results # Directory containing result files
** results/01_Cleaned_raw_data: cleaned raw data files (after cutadapt or cutadapt+sickle and after human reads removing removing)
** results/02_Quality_control: multiQC file
** results/03_Classification_Kaiju: index database files (if process index_db_kaiju not skipped) and kaiju files (kaiju result files, kronas, histograms, kaiju results for each node of taxonomy tree)
** results/04_Assembly: assembly files and assembly metrics
** results/05_Annotation: files .gff, .ffn, .fna, .faa, etc after prokka annotation and .gff, .ffn, .fna, .faa files with renamed contigs and genes
** results/06_Clustering: cd-hit results for each sample, correspondance table of intermediate clusters and genes, cd-hit results at global level and correspondance table of global cluster and intermediate clusters (table_clstr.txt)
** results/07_Quantification: .bam et .bam.bai file after reads alignment on contigs, .count files (featureCounts count), .summary file (featureCounts summary), .output file (featureCounts output), Correspondence_global_clstr_contigs.txt (correspondance table between global cluster and genes), Clusters_Count_table_all_samples.txt (quantification table of aligned reads for each global cluster and for each sample).
** results/08_Diamond: diamond results and taxonomic affiliation consensus for proteins and contigs.
* .nextflow_log # Log file from Nextflow
* # Other nextflow hidden files, eg. history of pipeline runs and old logs.
* Data test are available [here](
* BWA index of human reference genome is available at /work/bank/bwadb/ensembl_homo_sapiens_genome
* kaiju database index file are avaiblable at /work/bank/kaijudb/kaijudb_Juin2019/
WARNING: to be noticed, on genologin modules are written "bioinfo/Name-version". We encountered issues with load of several modules at the same time (compatibility). To avoid this problem, we created for some process one module which contains the load of different modules:
* bioinfo_bwa_samtools_subread
* bioinfo_bwa_samtools
You can run the pipeline as follow without Singularity container:
./nextflow run -profile cluster_slurm_modules --reads '*_{R1,R2}.fastq.gz' --assembly metaspades --skip_kaiju_index --kaiju_nodes /work/bank/kaijudb/kaijudb_Juin2019/nodes.dmp --kaiju_db /w
ork/bank/kaijudb/kaijudb_Juin2019/refseq/kaiju_db_refseq.fmi --kaiju_names /work/bank/kaijudb/kaijudb_Juin2019/names.dmp
./nextflow run -profile slurm,modules --reads '*_{R1,R2}.fastq.gz' --assembly metaspades --skip_kaiju_index --kaiju_nodes /work/bank/kaijudb/kaijudb_Juin2019/nodes.dmp --kaiju_db /work/
bank/kaijudb/kaijudb_Juin2019/refseq/kaiju_db_refseq.fmi --kaiju_names /work/bank/kaijudb/kaijudb_Juin2019/names.dmp
You can run the pipeline as follow with our Singularity container:
./nextflow run -profile slurm,singularity --reads '*_{R1,R2}.fastq.gz' --assembly metaspades --skip_kaiju_index --kaiju_nodes /work/bank/kaijudb/kaijudb_Juin2019/nodes.dmp --kaiju_db /work/
bank/kaijudb/kaijudb_Juin2019/refseq/kaiju_db_refseq.fmi --kaiju_names /work/bank/kaijudb/kaijudb_Juin2019/names.dmp -with-singularity singularity/metagWGS_with_dependancies.img
metagWGS is distributed under the GNU General Public License v3.
metagWGS has been presented at JOBIM 2019 and at Genotoul Biostat Bioinfo day:
Poster "Whole metagenome analysis with metagWGS", J. Fourquet, A. Chaubet, H. Chiapello, C. Gaspin, M. Haenni, C. Klopp, A. Lupo, J. Mainguy, C. Noirot, T. Rochegue, M. Zytnicki, T. Ferry, C. Hoede.